ISHOF Inductees - 2017
Harold (Hal) Fleishman - Volunteer
Buffalo, New York
Following a ride on a 1969 Ski-Doo Nordic, Hal knew his future fun times were to be on a snowmobile. He soon joined his local club and began a long and distinguished career into organized snowmobiling. By 1979, Hal was a New York State Snowmobile Association (NYSSA) Director. He recalls riding trails in nearby Canada and thinking, “These are great trails. How can we get the same great trails in New York?” From this, he has dedicated a lifetime of working toward that goal. Hal was elected President of the NYSSA in 2003 and it became a full time job. He tackled three major problems facing the Association: An insurance crisis that threatened to shut down the entire trail system, lack of volunteers and creation of a two-tier registration system. All three required his skills and tenacity, but all three were solved under his watch. The NYSSA continued to grow and become a nationally recognized state association. Hal traveled all across the snowbelt explaining the workings to other interested clubs and state associations. NYSSA hired officers and a lobby firm. They addressed national concerns. They led the charge to develop a 10,600 mile groomed trail system throughout the state of New York. During this time Hal chaired or was a member of numerous committees working to improve the system in New York. Now, Harold (Hal) Fleischman will join other like dedicated snowmobilers as he is inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
Marlys Knutson - Industry
Excelsior, Minnesota
Coming from Tonka Toys in 1983, Marlys knew very little about snowmobiling. But she did know a lot about marketing and communications. Skills that served her well in her new position at Polaris. She quickly learned the business and sport of snowmobiling. And putting her keen marketing and communications skills to work established herself as a valued asset to the company. By 1985 she was able to load a sled on her trailer, drive to Eagle River, Wisconsin and join in on the inaugural Women on Snow ride. Elected to the Minnesota Snowmobile Trail Task Force in 1990 and served as President from 1991-1995. She served 12 years as a Representative on the Polaris Advisory Board. In 1994 she was named SnoWest Man (Woman) of the Year, the first and only woman so honored. Marlys has represented Polaris on the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) Board for many years. She has been the lead coordinator of the last six (6) Polaris Anniversary Celebrations. In 2000, she also coordinated the reenactment of the 1960 ride from Bethel to Fairbanks, Alaska done at that time to prove the merit of the new snowmobile development. During her tenure at Polaris, Marlys has received many promotions, honors and awards. Among them being inducted into the Polaris Hall of Fame in 2009. Now Marlys Knutson adds one more honor, she is being inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
Don Schulpius - Volunteer
St. Germain, Wisconsin
Starting in 1965 Don’s long snowmobiling career has followed many trails. But foremost has been his desire and dedication to promoting the sport through aggressive trail development and grooming programs. He is a true visionary who immediately realized the promise that snowmobiling has as a recreational sport and industry. By 1969, he helped found the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club in St. Germain, Wisconsin and served as its first president. Today it is the largest club in the state with 993 members. Recognizing the need for groomed trails, Don formed Arrowhead Groomers, designing and building the first true trail groomer and introducing Tucker Sno-Cats to the sport. Trail development, grooming knowledge and its technology soon made him the forerunner of high tech grooming. He designed the club’s first snowmobile trail map and continued to make improvements in the grooming operations throughout the Midwest. Don became a long time Director in the state association and, in 1981, was named US Snowmobiler of the Year. He was an original member of Team Oasis and later the Ambassadors of Snowmobiling that traveled North America’s snowbelt for many years promoting the sport. Known also as “Mr. Snowmobiling,” Don Schulpius is one of the most passionate and hard working snowmobilers to be found. For this, and for his many years of service to the sport, Don Schulpius is now being inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
Greg Sorenson - Volunteer
Finlayson, Minnesota
It was a 10 HP used FoxTrac that got Greg Sorenson hooked on snowmobiling way back in 1966 and the sport has dominated all of his free time ever since. As he grew up he became more and more involved in the sport and in 1987 took on the task of developing a 24 mile loop around the city of Duluth, Minnesota. It took three years to accomplish. During that time Greg became the local club president and served for 10 years then served 28 years as Region 7 Director for MnUSA. He has been VP and then President of MnUSA, ACSA Mid-West Board of Directors, ISC member, Youth Safety Training Instructor for 16 years, rewrote the Minnesota Safety Rules for Snowmobiles and ATVs, redesigned the Minnesota Grant In Aid System and a long list of other offices and accomplishments. In 1999, Greg and some friends rode around Lake Superior raising $15,000 for ALS. It soon became a yearly event and to date has raised a total of 9 million dollars. He successfully led an effort to remove the stud ban on black topped trails. This earned him the title of “Stud President.” Throughout his snowmobile career, Greg Sorenson has been front and foremost in volunteering his talents and people skills to tackle problems, create new opportunities, solve difficult situations and continue to make the sport safer and more enjoyable for the thousands of sledders who ride trails he worked so hard to develop. For this reason, Greg Sorenson is now being rewarded with yet another well deserved honor. He is being inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame, class of 2017.
ISHOF Snowmobile Club of the Year 2017
Cascade Drift Skippers
Snohomish, Washington
When a long established snowmobile club grows almost 600% in the short span of five (5) years, you know they have something special going on. That is the history of the Cascade Drift Skippers. From 65 members in 2013, the Club has grown to now over 350 members. Many are new snowmobilers who got started because of the club's activities and programs. Programs such as: continuous community involvement, monthly seminary style club meetings, numerous club sponsored rides based on three levels of skill and experience, informative special educational seminars, fundraising efforts, positive media relations, inviting press releases, avalanche safety training classes, search & rescues programs, Wounded Warriors rides and ladies only rides. Their "Backcountry Assender Program" has been nationally acclaimed and copied by many states. They were awarded the Washington State Snowmobile Club of the Year for 2016. In June 2016, they were named at the International Snowmobile Congress as their Club of the Year. Now, in 2017, they are being recognized as the International Snowmobile Club of the Year. For more information on Cascade Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club visit