ISHOF Inductees - 2005
David Carmichael - Volunteer
Tripoli, Iowa
Snowmobiling has been a driving force in David's life for the last 35 years. He has worked at every level of leadership for snowmobiling from local club, state, national, and international organizations. David was one of the founders and first Secretary for the Sno Hawks Snowmobile Club formed in 1969. He has held nearly every office in the club and is currently a "Board Member." His many hours of volunteerism to promote snowmobiling include working at food concessions, installing and removing trail signs & bridges, and grooming trails. He has volunteered many hours attending scholarship, legislative & safety committee meetings, and club & state association meetings. David also worked with the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Police Chief to organize a snowmobile emergency and rescue unit plan, which is still available today. In 2002, the Iowa State Snowmobile Trail Program Funding was raided by the Legislature, in the amount of nearly one million dollars, to help balance a shortfall in the state's general budget. David helped form and worked with the Iowa State Snowmobile Association (ISSA) Emergency Funding Committee to reestablish the financial status of this account and pass new legislation to insure these funds for the future. As a result of this work, these committee members, including David, were honored as "Most Valuable Snowmobiler" by Snowmobiler Magazine at the 2004 International Snowmobile Congress (ISC). David has been an ISSA Regions Director, Vice President and President, a delegate to the ISC and its Midwest Chapter, and Co-Chaired the 1995 ISC. David Carmichael was named the "2000 ISSA Snowmobiler of the Year." David and his wife Sally were named "2004 ISSA Snowmobile Family of the Year." David is a dedicated volunteer who is always looking at a way to learn more about the sport to help it evolve to the growing needs of the future.
Harold Case - Volunteer
Londonderry, New Hampshire
Harold first joined the Hudson Sno-Men and New Hampshire Snowmobile Association (NHSA) in 1975. He has held many officer positions at the local, state, national and international level. He has held officer position as a President, and a Board of Director since 1976 for the Hudson Sno-Men. He has been the NHSA President, Vice-President, Board Member, Member of its Advisory Board, Safety and Awareness Committee, and the Hillsborough County Director and Assistant Director. He has been a snowmobile Safety Instructor for many years and was instrumental in the development and implementation of an Adult Snowmobile Safety Education Class. Harold has been very active in the Northeast Chapter of the International Snowmobile Council (ISC) holding both positions as Chair and Co-Chair throughout the years. In 1991 he set up the North East Scholarship Program for the North East Chapter. Also, Co-Chaired the NHSA Ride-In for Easter Seals which he has been active in since the first one 1975, and was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2001. He also established the New England Scholarship Program. He was inducted to the Iron Dog Brigade in 1992. He received the title of New Hampshire Snowmobiler of the Year in 1994-1995, Snowmobilers Magazine's "Most Valuable Snowmobiler" in 2001, and awarded the Easter Seals "Warren A. Bodwell Award". He also has been the President and Vice President for the American Council of Snowmobile Associations. He Co-Chaired the International Snowmobile Council in 2000 and was the International Snowmobile Council Chairman in 2002. Harold's dedicated volunteerism has helped the snowmobile organizations focus and advance to the ever changing future. His work also has helped to protect and preserve the rights and freedoms for the sport of snowmobiling.
Jack Sheets - Volunteer / Club Organizer
Colorado Springs, Colorado
In the early 1970s, Jack helped start the Colorado Blizzards of Greely, CO. He has served many different titles for many snowmobile related organizations from local to international. In 1972, Jack was Safety on Snow (SOS) Chairman for the Colorado Association of Snowmobile Clubs (CASC), and started the safety training classes for riders of all ages. Later when CASC was changed to Colorado Snowmobile Association (CSA), he served at Treasurer, then President. He also has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) and participated in its' founding. While volunteering with CSA and COHVCO, Jack participated in awareness meetings on wilderness issues and trail closures held in different areas in Colorado where there was snowmobiling but no active clubs. He then helped the participants form clubs to represent these areas. Jack has been actively involved in the Western Chapter of ISC as Chairman, Chairman of the Scholarship Program including the Belt Buckle Program, and Chairman of the Public Relations. He is a Board Member of the Blue Ribbon Coalition. As an Iron Dog Member since 1988, Jack's efforts to promote snowmobiling has been his dedication. He has been involved in the CSA Tours for 15 years which has expanded to surrounding states. His volunteerism includes involvement in safety, wilderness issues, gas tax, grooming, search and rescue, trail marking and maintenance issues, budget and insurance issues. Jack has spent his 30+ years of snowmobiling working with Local Snowmobile Clubs in CO as well as working with the state association. He has also worked with COHVCO in Colorado and has been involved with the National and International levels, holding offices in the Western Chapter International Snowmobile Council.
Scott Eilertson, Norman Lee Busse and Grigoiry Shulik - Adventurers
Oakdale, Minnesota - Stillwater, Minnesota - Moscow, Russia
In 1990, this group completed a lifelong dream of an inter-continental snowmobiling experience which made a World Record and promoted friendship and understanding between snowmobilers worldwide. It took three years of planning and the support of Arctic Cat, Tousley Sports Center, Minnesota based 3M, Eureka Tents and Scott eyewear along with hundreds of individuals, families and small businesses that provided food, shelter and support. Eilertson was the route planner, arranger of lodging and handled public relations stops along the US route. Busse acted as fundraiser using sweatshirts, t-shirts, buttons and specially designed posters. Shulik worked with the Soviet officials and Connect US/Russia clearing the route through Vyborg, Lenningrad, Novgorod, Valdai and ending in Novosibirisk, Siberia. On January 16, 1990, they started out on this 5000 mile expedition at Tousley Sports Center in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, then proceeded through Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Quebec, New Hampshire, Maine, New York. The group then flew by plane to Finland and proceeded through Vyborg, Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinan and finally arriving February 24th in Moscow, Russia (which was, at the time, U.S.S.R.) At every town throughout the expedition, the team were greeted by local residents. This historic international snowmobile expedition showed that snowmobiling can be and is a world wide togetherness and family sport. Their goal to meet people, share cultures and ideas, improve relationship between the two countries and promote snowmobiling had been accomplished.